
I’m Steven Hunter (Oklatubbee). I preach at Glendale Road Church of Christ in Murray, KY. I’ve been in ministry for over 15 years and have been at Glendale since 2016. My wife, Stephanie, and I have three children–Bri, our middle was miscarried, and Cole. Just before going to Glendale Road, I was awarded my Ph.D. from Faulkner University in 2016. I wrote my dissertation on how Christianity is more humanizing than secular humanism because of hospitality in early Christianity and late antiquity. I love history, and while my wheelhouse is in early Christianity, most of my scholarly publications are in antebellum American Christian history. I have a rather eclectic range of interests, which accounts for why I have so much useless information in my head. It does make me a decent conversationalist, though.

I’m Choctaw, from the Mississippi Band of Choctaw, and descend from one of the last great chiefs of the Choctaw, Mushulatubbee (“Determined to Kill”). He led thousands of Choctaw from Mississippi to Indian Territory (Oklahoma) in the Trail of Tears. I’m also Scottish, my ancestors hailed from Hunterston in Ayrshire, Scotland. They came to the New World in the early eighteenth century.

Much of my content is what I’m studying, preaching, and teaching at Glendale Road. Occasionally, I might add some early American history here or there as it relates to the day. I consider myself a classical liberal, or libertarian, politically. To my conservative friends, I’m liberal. To my liberal friends, I’m conservative. I just enjoy not pleasing anyone. What can I say? However, I believe in civility and courtesy because I’m genuinely interested in learning and not just winning arguments. Grace & Peace!